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History Fair

To participate, 3rd through 5th grade students will research a topic and create an exhibit (tri-fold board), a website, a documentary, or a performance that relates to the theme. Students may choose to complete their project as a group or as an individual. Submissions should also include a process paper and bibliography.  

This year’s theme is “Rights and Responsibilities”. For more information on the theme, watch the theme video.

Entries will be due prior to the district deadline of February 25, but watch for information on our school deadline next week. RHE winners will be chosen from each grade level and presentation format and will continue on to the district competition!

  • For a list of recommended topics:

Recommended topics to start your research.

  • For all other information, explore the History Fair website:

Elementary History Fair

  • For questions, contact

Mr. Wyatt ( 

Ms. Kaiser (

Ms. Nevitt (